We are available for website / Internet / Social Media Training Courses having just completed one for local businesses we now know we are the best qualified and placed company to offer this service.
[Thurrock Website Company] We work with small to medium businesses in the area to save money by operating in a more efficient way with their Internet presence and how they use their Websites. As part of the programme I am planning a 3 day course on Websites / Search Engines / Simple websites for businesses for companies in Thurrock which have no online presence. We plan to have 10 delegates/ businesses attend and each delegate is to come away with their own website for their business.
If you are interested and are able to provide this, please could you provide a proposal and quote for delivering a course in Thurrock aimed at building simple websites for small businesses. We will provide the venue, catering, ICT equipment and marketing.
[Web Designers] This sounds like something we would be very suited for as we have worked in IT / Website design for many years and prior to starting our own website design / seo company our IT Director / Website Project Manager had held consultancy positions with IT consultancies (Cap Gemini within Morgan Stanley) that required him to train / deliver presentations among other things.
What I need to know more about is the requirement that each delegate ‘goes away with their own website’. Is this correct? If so I assume you are going to steer them towards ‘free’ websites from website builders which is something we recommend most small companies don’t bother with as they normally invoke a monthly fee / they are not Search friendly and they are not truly flexible.
We would be more than happy and would probably recommend for new businesses with cost effectiveness in mind that we could create 10 ‘small’ starter wordpress websites with them – but you have the hosting / domain costs to be tackled, please tell me more if I have not understood fully your requirements.
[Thurrock Website Company] Thank you for your response. It is not essential that the delegates leave the course with their own individual websites, but I do agree with the idea of creating 10 small sites with a CMS system like Joomla or WordPress. We would like you to include website hosting for 10 delegates in your quote as we cannot take on 10 individual contracts; however I will consider any ideas you have in your quote on how best to run the course. Please let me know if this is something that can be arranged.
[Web Designers] This is sounding more realistic as advising and choosing a domain name / registering it / configuring it / installing the software and database for each site may take a few hours each (website name choice is a big factor in marketing / seo / branding).
Therefore I think this is something we can realistic do for 10 new companies that currently have no Internet presence, can you tell me what facilities / teaching equipment we will have – ideally we need a whiteboard / projector and / or the capability for the course participants to see a PC display that we can control. Am sure we can provide a really rewarding course for these participants and look forward to your reply
[Thurrock Website Company] I am currently in the process of booking the venue and should have this wrapped up in the next couple of days, so I will confirm with you exactly what we have then. I am currently trying to book South Essex College in Grays Campus which is just outside the town centre and will have a whiteboard, ICT room (with enough PCs for each delegate) and overhead projector. Any venue that is booked I will make sure has these facilities. I agree with your proposals so far and if you have any further queries please do not hesitate to let me know.
[Web Designers] Website design workshops for new businesses without a website from within Thurrock
Here is a quick update, have now had two meetings about the workshop that we propose to provide the candidates (business owners) and we are currently working on a proposal that will be sent as soon as its completed.  One thing I wanted to discuss with you was the title of the course ‘website design workshop’ as in our experience business owners should be aware about website design but have only met 1 business owner that in any way wanted to get involved with website design (coding), therefore the title could be misleading / off-putting and could scare business owners away from applying. We don’t anticipate spending too much time talking about ‘website design’ but we will focus on the core elements that affect websites and their promotion in the search engines / social media.  Perhaps the title of the course could be  ‘Get your Business Online’ or ‘Your New Business Website’ or ‘Make the Internet work for your Business’ or ‘Your place on the web’.
We can easily present / talk / explain any aspects of domain name / hosting / website design / wordpress / marketing / SEO / social media.
My first draft idea of a course outline is something like this (where possible we should have a hands on bit for each user as they all will have a PC)
1 Introduction – Web accessed by anyone connected in the world / most effective marketing tool ever / cheap and easy to get online
2 Domain Names / Hosting
3 Website Types (brochure / CMS / ecommerce / directory sites)
4 Website design / development (build / configure)
5 Website Content (importance / blogs – news updates)
6 SEO (keyword research / content / links)
7 Social Media (twitter / facebook / google+ / you tube / instagram etc.)
8 Google Places
9 Converting website visitors into customers / clients / sales (calls to action)
10 Coding Standards / Accessibility / Browser compatibility / Tablets – Phones
11 Future (website design / seo)
The proposal would be what ‘I would like to have’ if I was a new business and there could be a variable factor added about support / meeting / consultation time with the client (there will be a standard 2-3 hour session with each participant) – We have a 12 hour target to spend with each client as part of the proposal.
Thank you for the invitation to tender for our company to deliver this exciting workshop for you here in Thurrock. Our team has many years of IT and training experience and we specialise in providing website solutions to help businesses of any size to take full advantage of the potential of the web. We help local, national and international companies by working with them to identify the best online solution to their needs then to build their website for them with
the plan to continue working with them to build and promote their website, so that our combined efforts improve their chances of building relevant website traffic to their website.
We have built and promoted approximately 400 websites ranging from charity websites, school websites, small business ‘brochure’ websites, celebrity websites, London museum websites to International ecommerce websites with hundreds of thousands of products. Some of our websites are now Internationally ranked ‘standard bearers’ in terms of design / content and website ranking in their specific fields (knowledge areas).
We hope that we have fully understood your requirements, in order to present to you the best possible delivery method and outcome targets, which are attached. If however, you would like to discuss the proposal further please do not hesitate to contact me personally at any time.
Session Plan – Internet and Websites for Businesses in Thurrock


To deliver a one-day training course for SME owners, who have little or no online presence to help them understand websites as an effective marketing strategy for the success of their business.
Why Delicious Webdesign?
We have built an effective business and quality reputation for delivering online solutions to local businesses, including e-commerce, portfolio and owner-managed content websites. We have achieved great success with search engine optimisation (SEO) for our clients and see this as an essential element to the design and implementation of any website.
We also have a qualified trainer with experience in the life long learning sector who is able to employ interactive teaching methods to ensure learning achievement and satisfaction.
Course title
Make the Internet work for your Business
Learning Outcomes
Overall workshop outcome – The participants will have a confident understanding of the need of and strategy for effect web marketing of their business, through the establishment of a website.
By the end of the session participants will, according to ability, be able to:-
• Identify and comprehend specific terms related to websites, optimisation and online marketing strategies.
• Recognise the various types of websites available implementation and explain the relevance of appropriate use for different types of business.
• Demonstrate understanding of the importance of search engine optimisation, content creation, social media and their methods for effective web marketing.
• Confidently engage with website professionals to ensure that the development of their business’s web presence is efficient, effective and represents good value for money.

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